Thanks, Carl, I'm flattered! The images I've seen on worth1000 and Fark are usually of a much higher quality than what I do, though. Somehow they get these really hi res images, too. I just pretty much use what I can find on google images...
"In the early part of the Middle Ages female nuns were free to commit random acts of contrition and redemption. Later they were forcibly enclustered in harems. Russia was run over by Batu Cohen and crushed under the Mongol yolk. Certain tribes of India practiced voodoo innuendo. The Crusades, meanwhile, enlarged opportunities for travel." -- Anders Henriksson, Hindsight into the Future
I thought Bush only ate carrots that are attached to sticks.
Hey! He/she's wearing my necklace!
*envisions Cheney sneaking into the picture, dressed as Elmer Fudd on the hunt*
Be vewwy vewwy quiet!
"It's doc season!"
hippity-hoppity-hubba-hubba! not bad for a "butter face"....
I called it first.
WHAT picture????? *SOB*
WHAT picture????? *SOB*
Did you try hitting refresh?
Disgusting as always. Bravo!
not_over_it said...
WHAT picture????? *SOB*
Did you try hitting refresh?
Looks like he took a hard left at Albequirky.
Did you try hitting refresh?
9:05 AM, April 18, 2006
Never, ever take my advice. Sorry you had to learn the hard way. ;-)
Hey, Fantod?
Ever think of entering some of these beauts at
Thanks, Carl, I'm flattered! The images I've seen on worth1000 and Fark are usually of a much higher quality than what I do, though. Somehow they get these really hi res images, too. I just pretty much use what I can find on google images...
p.s. Parklife, Love the Bugs reference!
It's wrong turn at Albuquerque, not a hard left.
I watched a lot of Bugs as a kid.
Wrong TOIN, not turn...sheesh.
Fan, there are several levels of competition and you might pick up some pointers along the way. From what I've seen, they never turn down an entry.
Oh, I did not know that, Carl. I'll have to investigate further. Thanks!
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